Welcoming our new Office Manager, Brandi Augustus

  She was born in  Plainfield, NJ in 1985 and was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her mother was office manager for the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority where she was exposed to speakers addressing social injustice in her and how to try combat prejudice that was ever prevalent in her community. This was her first taste […]

Thoughts for our regional neighbors affected by the fires.

Thanks for your inquiries about us given the proximity of the fires in our area. Gaitlinburg and Pigeon Forge were moved from voluntary evacuation to mandatory yesterday evening, and some outlying Gatlinburg businesses and hotels have burned. The smoke at Highlander is visible and affecting breathing for some. The fires themselves are still several miles […]

Rest(oration), Reflection, and Rejuvenation for the Movement

Click here to register Dear Organizer and Activist on the Frontlines of Today’s Movements,   SNCC organizer and now professor and writer Charles Cobb once told a crowd at a Boston House party that a powerful thing during the civil rights movement was the way ‘Highlander just threw open its doors. We were moved by […]

Call to Action- Tennessee’s Social Studies curriculum

Call to Action to Tennessee Residents and People Who Used to Live in TN A new proposal threatens to strip critical pieces of Tennessee’s history from the required Social Studies curriculum in Tennessee Public Schools. Important civil rights figures and events are proposed for removal including references to Highlander, not only known for our role […]

Highlander House Party in Jamaica Plain, MA Sunday October 16th, 4-6PM

We invite you to a fundraising house party for the Highlander Center Sunday October 16th, 4-6pm to  celebrate the 12 year leadership of outgoing Director Pam McMichael and raise funds to support Highlander in this transition and its ongoing cutting edge work. With Highlander Education Team Co-Coordinator Kierra Sims and Seeds of Fire Intern Jarrel “Jay-Jay” Strong. […]

Economic and Governance Curriculum Training of Trainers in St. Helena’s, SC Dec. 1-4

  Click here to apply We are looking for teams of people who are interested in participating in and learning to facilitate a new version of Highlander’s Economic and Governance Curriculum.    We will be leading this training of trainers to help prepare people to run the sessions in communities. Participants will help facilitate our way […]

Economic and Governance Curriculum Training of Trainers in St. Helena's, SC Dec. 1-4

  Click here to apply We are looking for teams of people who are interested in participating in and learning to facilitate a new version of Highlander’s Economic and Governance Curriculum.    We will be leading this training of trainers to help prepare people to run the sessions in communities. Participants will help facilitate our way […]

Job Announcement: Executive Director Open Position Announcement

Job Announcement Executive Director Open Position Announcement Overview of the Position   Highlander Research and Education’s mission is to serve as a catalyst for grassroots organizing and movement-building in Appalachia and the South. Through popular education, participatory research, and cultural work, we help create spaces — at our center and in local communities — where […]

Highlander Seeks Office Manager

  Job Announcement Highlander Seeks Office Manager Organization Summary The Highlander Research and Education Center is an 84 year old popular education center that works with grassroots groups in Appalachia and across the U.S. South to promote social and economic justice. Highlander’s long and proud history includes cutting edge work with labor education and organizing, […]