In Remembrance of Highlander Board Member Scott Bates
Highlander is mourning the loss and celebrating the life of Scott Bates, who was part of the Highlander community for over five decades. A professor at the University of the South in Sewanee, Bates began attending Highlander workshops in 1956, and he worked with Septima Clark and Myles Horton to bring an NAACP chapter to […]
Highlander commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
This Saturday, August 24, beginning at 8 AM, Highlander will join the National Action Network, NAACP, SEIU, and people from across the country at the Lincoln Memorial to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Organized by A. Phillip Randolph and Bayard Rustin, the March on Washington demanded economic […]
Come to Highlander Sept 21-22 for the 2013 Homecoming-From the Civil Rights Movement to the Rebuilding of our Communities and the Next American Revolution
Plan to be on the Hill for Highlander’s annual gathering, this September 21 and 22! We’re honored that Grace Lee Boggs, longtime author and activist who just turned 98, will be joining us as the guest of honor to explore this year’s theme: Resistance and Alternatives to the Economic Clock of the World. The weekend […]
Justice for Trayvon Action Toolkit by SURJ
In the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict, Standing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) has put together a toolkit to help white people work in partnership with communities of color to respond to the verdict and to the vio…lence inflicted on Trayvon Martin and many other people of color. The toolkit includes a range of […]
Solidarity from Highlander
The Highlander Research and Education Center sends our love and special thoughts to the family of Trayvon Martin in the wake of the acquittal of George Zimmerman, and joins the NAACP and and other organizations in calling on the Department of Justice to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman for the taking of […]
Highlander House Party in Silver Spring, MD

Join Highlander Board member Roz Pelles this Sunday for a house party to help Highlander continue its work! As Roz says, “Support the Highlander Center! Come spend a Sunday afternoon with folks who support social and economic justice, and who put their money where their hearts and mouths are.”For address and directions, please RSVP to […]
Women Coming Together for Worker Justice
Highlander has worked recently with a number of different groups organizing for worker justice. In April, we led a leadership workshop for the Tennessee Education Association to help teachers from Chattanooga and rural counties in Middle Tennessee share information about how to approach the loss of their collective bargaining rights, which the state stripped from […]
Workshop Work Week, W-7.5, Gets Even More Wonderful
Highlander’s fifth annual Witty & Wonderful, Wild & Wacky Workshop Work Week was a huge success, thanks to the fantastic group of organizers, activists, scholars, and students who came from Utah to western Mass and everywhere in between to engage with Highlander and its work. In the mornings, Highlander’s staff led workshops on our methodologies […]
Strength through Song at the Zilphia Horton Cultural Organizing Institute

The 2nd Zilphia Horton Cultural Organizing Institute brought cultural workers and groups from Nashville, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Philadelphia to Highlander this June to explore how to incorporate culture, song, and art into organizing campaigns in their community. The Institute was framed with a focus on intersectionality and organizing across differences and included an […]
81st Homecoming