We Shall Overcome Fund Application due June 1, 2017

“We Shall Overcome” served as the theme song of the Civil Rights Movement and is now a worldwide anthem for freedom and justice. Since 1966, the Highlander Research and Education Center has administered the We Shall Overcome Fund, which is generated by royalties from the commercial use of the song “We Shall Overcome.” Upcoming Deadlines: […]
We Shall Overcome Fund Application due Jan. 27, 2017

“We Shall Overcome” served as the theme song of the Civil Rights Movement and is now a worldwide anthem for freedom and justice. Since 1966, the Highlander Research and Education Center has administered the We Shall Overcome Fund, which is generated by royalties from the commercial use of the song “We Shall Overcome.” Upcoming Deadlines: […]
We Shall Overcome Fund Deadline-June 1, 2014

“We Shall Overcome” served as the theme song of the Civil Rights Movement and is now a worldwide anthem for freedom and justice. Since 1966, the Highlander Research and Education Center has administered the We Shall Overcome Fund, which is generated by royalties from the commercial use of the song “We Shall Overcome.” Upcoming Deadline June […]
We Shall Overcome Strategy Sessions 2014 in Raleigh,NC, Jackson,MS, and Knoxville,TN.

Click here to participate in the WSOC Strategy Sessions for 2014 in Raleigh, NC(Jan. 31-Feb.2, 2014), Jackson, MS(Feb. 14-16, 2014), and Knoxville, TN (Jan. 10-12, 2014). Registrations for Jackson, MS are open. The Jackson Unity Mixer (Feb. 15 at 7PM CST) is one of three historical Regional Strategy Sessions being held in New Market TN, […]
Workshop Work Week, W-7.5, Gets Even More Wonderful
Highlander’s fifth annual Witty & Wonderful, Wild & Wacky Workshop Work Week was a huge success, thanks to the fantastic group of organizers, activists, scholars, and students who came from Utah to western Mass and everywhere in between to engage with Highlander and its work. In the mornings, Highlander’s staff led workshops on our methodologies […]
Strength through Song at the Zilphia Horton Cultural Organizing Institute

The 2nd Zilphia Horton Cultural Organizing Institute brought cultural workers and groups from Nashville, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Philadelphia to Highlander this June to explore how to incorporate culture, song, and art into organizing campaigns in their community. The Institute was framed with a focus on intersectionality and organizing across differences and included an […]
Southern Jam

In March, Highlander hosted the Southern Jam in collaboration with the Emerging ChangeMakers Network, YES!, Grassroots Democracy, and Southern Partners Fund. The Jam brought together 30 activists, organizers, leaders, and thinkers ages 20 to 43 from across the South to strategize about the best ways to work together for progressive change in the region. The gathering centered […]
Extreme Extraction Summit

Earlier this year, Highlander Education Team members Elandria Williams and Susan Williams facilitated an Extreme Extraction Summit in upstate New York. The summit brought together 70 activists from groups across the country (including Alaska!) who are organizing to fight coal, oil, fracking, uranium extraction, tar sands, industrial biomass, and their devastating effects on communities and […]
On The Hill and Across the South: SEIRN Works for Immigrant Rights
In January, Highlander hosted and participated in a strategy session for the Southeast Immigrant Rights Network (SEIRN), which brought together representatives from statewide immigrant coalitions, grassroots groups, and regional partners to connect its members with campaigns around immigration reform. In addition to discussing the prospects for national immigration reform, the group focused its strategy on […]
Southern Jam: A Call to Unite and Build a New South!

We are inviting a group of 30 strategists, entrepreneurs, organizers, elected officials, business leaders, thinkers, builders, artists, educators, researchers, philanthropists, non-profit leaders, and all-around visionaries to the Southern Jam.