Pictures and Audio from the 75th!

The first pictures and audio clips from Highlander’s 75th anniversary celebration are available on the Highlander website at The pictures include photographs from the opening plenary on Saturday and photographs of wide range of participants on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The audio clips include remarks by Reverend Sekou and Hollis Watkins at the opening […]

Share Your Experience at the 75th

If you attended the 75th Anniversary Celebration at Highlander on August 31-September 2, 2007, we would love to hear about your experiences here. Why did you decide to come to Highlander that weekend, what did you do here, and how will your experience help you in your work for justice? We will share some of […]

Highlander Film Series at the University of Tennessee

In conjunction with Highlander’s 75th anniversary, the University of Tennessee library will be showing documentaries about Highlander and the issues it has addressed. Films inlcude: You Got to Move, We Shall Overcome, Morristown in the Air and Sun, Up the Ridge, and The Telling Takes Me Home. The series runs from September 18 to November […]

Press Coverage of Highlander's 75th Anniversary

Highlander is receiving extensive press coverage for its 75th anniversary. Articles have been published in the Knoxville News-Sentinel (three articles & an editorial), La Jornada (Mexico; two articles), New American Media, the AFL-CIO Now Blog, El Clarín de Chile, Knoxville Voice, and Metro Pulse (Knoxville). Stories have aired on NPR’s Weekend Edition, on WUOT (Knoxville), […]

Press Coverage of Highlander’s 75th Anniversary

Highlander is receiving extensive press coverage for its 75th anniversary. Articles have been published in the Knoxville News-Sentinel (three articles & an editorial), La Jornada (Mexico; two articles), New American Media, the AFL-CIO Now Blog, El Clarín de Chile, Knoxville Voice, and Metro Pulse (Knoxville). Stories have aired on NPR’s Weekend Edition, on WUOT (Knoxville), […]

Thanks for an Amazing Event!

Highlander’s 75th Anninversary Celebration (8/31-9/2/2007) was an incredible experience. Over 1,000 people came to Highlander for three days of workshops, strategy sessions, music, dancing, performances, and more. Participants included activists and organizers from across the region and the world – veterans of the Civil Rights Movement, people fighting mountaintop removal, young people working on education […]

Highlander's 75th Anniversary

  Hello one and all,   I invite you all to Highlander’s 75th Anniversary.  We will be blogging from the anniversary and letting you know the most up to date information as well as posting reports, pictures and video from the event.  I invite you to keep our site interactive and exciting by posting comments […]

Highlander’s 75th Anniversary

  Hello one and all,   I invite you all to Highlander’s 75th Anniversary.  We will be blogging from the anniversary and letting you know the most up to date information as well as posting reports, pictures and video from the event.  I invite you to keep our site interactive and exciting by posting comments […]