Highlander Joins Thousands for United States Social Forum
This June, Highlander will join thousands of activists, artists, educators, cultural workers, young people, old people, and many more in the city of Detroit for the 2nd US Social Forum. This year Highlander has been involved in several aspects of the Social Forum including the People Movement Assembly Process (PMA’s). PMA’s will be taking place throughout the […]
Children's Camp 2010
Dear Friends, When you invest in young people, you invest in change. Please contribute today in support of the children and young people of the South and Appalachia.
Children’s Camp 2010
Dear Friends, When you invest in young people, you invest in change. Please contribute today in support of the children and young people of the South and Appalachia.
A CANDLELIGHT VIGIL as part of the National Day of Action to protest Arizona´s SB 1070 art by Eduardo Duran FRIDAY, MAY 28 8:30 PM Krutch Park Extension, Downtown Knoxville STOP THE CRIMINALIZATION OF OUR COMMUNITIES to sponsor this event or for more information call 865-405-8458 organized by the Highlander Research and Education Center
Capital Campaign Coordinator Position Available
Job Announcement – Capital Campaign Coordinator Half Time Position to Start Immediately Founded in 1932, the Highlander Research and Education Center is a world-renowned beacon for progressive organizing. Highlander is widely acclaimed as a leadership development center for grassroots activists across race and generations and as a critical resource for the social justice community for strategy development, best […]
Semillas de Fuego Campo 2010
¡Se nuestr@ amig@! myspace.com/seedsoffireprogram [Read this post in English] El 10mo Campamento Anual de Semillas de Fuego es un campamento de una semana para organizaciones o grupos de la región del sur y los Apalaches que trabajan con jóvenes o son liderados por jóvenes que están organizándose para el cambio social. El campamento esta enfocado […]
11th Annual Seeds of Fire Camp
Be our friend! www.myspace.com/seedsoffireprogram [Lea esta entrada de blog en español] The 11th Annual Seeds of Fire Camp is a weeklong camp for Southern and Appalachian youth-led and youth-centered groups organizing for social change. The camp is focused on changing the education and juvenile justice systems in our communities, states, and across the country while […]
Discovering Highlander and Becoming 'one' in the Number
A Presentation by Bernice Johnson Reagon Celebrating her 40 Plus Years of Work with Highlander Friday, April 30, 2010 Reception at 6:00 p.m. Presentation at 7:00 p.m. True Reformer Building Public Welfare Foundation 1200 U Street NW Washington, D.C. Will Call Opens at 6:00 p.m. | Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $100 per Person. […]
Discovering Highlander and Becoming ‘one’ in the Number
A Presentation by Bernice Johnson Reagon Celebrating her 40 Plus Years of Work with Highlander Friday, April 30, 2010 Reception at 6:00 p.m. Presentation at 7:00 p.m. True Reformer Building Public Welfare Foundation 1200 U Street NW Washington, D.C. Will Call Opens at 6:00 p.m. | Doors Open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $100 per Person. […]
Identidad y Raza en la Comunidad Latina
Identidad y Raza en la Comunidad Latina Highlander Research and Education Center 19-21 de marzo 2010 New Market, Tennessee Este es un taller interactivo y diseñado para que los latinos exploren el impacto que la raza y el racismo han tenido en Latinoamérica a través de la historia y en el presente. Los participantes tendrán […]