Highlander Selected as Three Rivers Market’s Nourshing Change Recipient for June
Knoxville’s Community Food Co-Op, Three Rivers Market selected Highlander as their Nourshing Change recipient for June. The purpose of Nourishing Change is to support actual change in the community by donating spare change at the register when you buy your items. It will be a great chance to fund our current work for the month […]
Seeds of Fire Alumni Organizes for Education

Jewel Bush has written a wonderful article for Uptown Messenger about Myron Miller, a teenager who attended Highlander’s Seeds of Fire camp and has since put the skills he learned there to good use organizing his community in an attempt to save his high school from closing. As a result of his efforts, students now […]
Southern Jam

In March, Highlander hosted the Southern Jam in collaboration with the Emerging ChangeMakers Network, YES!, Grassroots Democracy, and Southern Partners Fund. The Jam brought together 30 activists, organizers, leaders, and thinkers ages 20 to 43 from across the South to strategize about the best ways to work together for progressive change in the region. The gathering centered […]
Extreme Extraction Summit

Earlier this year, Highlander Education Team members Elandria Williams and Susan Williams facilitated an Extreme Extraction Summit in upstate New York. The summit brought together 70 activists from groups across the country (including Alaska!) who are organizing to fight coal, oil, fracking, uranium extraction, tar sands, industrial biomass, and their devastating effects on communities and […]
Standing with Steingraber
Highlander stands in solidarity and support with biologist Sandra Steingraber and other activists in Watkins Glen, New York, who served 10-day jail terms after they blocked the entrance to Inergy LP’s property at Seneca Lake. The activists were protesting the company’s plans to use its abandoned salt mines underneath the lake for storage of natural […]
Visits from Bonner Scholars and Emory & Henry

Highlander has recently hosted a number of university groups, including the Bonner Scholars from Carson-Newman College, who came to Highlander for their Day of Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Bonner Scholars are part of a program through the Corella & Bertram F. Bonner Foundation, which provides around 1500 students at […]
Visits from Bonner Scholars and Emory & Henry

Highlander has recently hosted a number of university groups, including the Bonner Scholars from Carson-Newman College, who came to Highlander for their Day of Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Bonner Scholars are part of a program through the Corella & Bertram F. Bonner Foundation, which provides around 1500 students at […]
We Shall Overcome Fund Deadline
The deadline for applications to the next cycle of the We Shall Overcome Fund is June 1, 2013. The We Shall Overcome Fund was begun in 1966, and it uses royalties from the song to support projects that use art and culture to help African American communities in the struggle for social justice. The Fund […]
Fundraising House Party in Seattle

Join Highlander at a fundraising house party with hors d’oeuvres to celebrate eight decades of Highlander’s legacy for justice and support the critical work of today and in the future.
Highlander Education Impact Survey
As one part of analyzing the long term effects of Highlander’s work, Highlander is conducting a 13-question through Survey Monkey entitled “2013 Highlander Education Impact Survey.” If you have received a link to this survey, please take a few minutes to fill it out. If you haven’t received the link to the survey and would […]