Jewel Bush has written a wonderful article for Uptown Messenger about Myron Miller, a teenager who attended Highlander’s Seeds of Fire camp and has since put the skills he learned there to good use organizing his community in an attempt to save his high school from closing. As a result of his efforts, students now have a voice in selection of their principal and have had a number of their recommendations enacted by the school system.
“It was a life changing experience for me to attend Highlander,” Miller says in the article. “I knew it was time to go back home and do some nonviolent direct action.”
Jewel is the Communications Coordinator for SEIU Local 21LA, which worked with Highlander this spring as part of the Zilphia Horton Cultural Organizing Residencies to put together a New Orleans-style cultural celebration for the release of its State of the Schools participatory action research report. Myron Miller was there for that event. We’ll have a detailed reflection on the residencies for you in our next edition, and in the meantime, make sure you read Jewel’s full article here!