Appalachian Transition Fellowship Webinar Thursday, January 16 1-2 pm EST

Highlander Research and Education Center & Rural Support Partners are excited to launch the Appalachian Transition Fellowship Join our webinar on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 1 – 2 EST to learn how your organization can help to elevate emerging leaders, foster cross-sector partnerships, and accelerate the economic transition of Central Appalachia starting June, 2014! […]

Year-End Message from your friends at Highlander

Dear friend, Recently we came across the following in a 1991 New York Times editorial by Peter Applebome about the passing of Highlander founder Myles Horton: “[Myles Horton] left behind an institution that is not only alive but also remains one of the most stubbornly tenacious instruments for social change in the nation.” “Stubbornly tenacious […]

We Shall Overcome Strategy Sessions 2014 in Raleigh,NC, Jackson,MS, and Knoxville,TN.

Click here to participate in the WSOC Strategy Sessions for 2014 in Raleigh, NC(Jan. 31-Feb.2, 2014), Jackson, MS(Feb. 14-16, 2014), and Knoxville, TN (Jan. 10-12, 2014). Registrations for Jackson, MS are open. The Jackson Unity Mixer (Feb. 15 at 7PM CST) is one of three historical Regional Strategy Sessions being held in New Market TN, […]

Appalachian Transition Fellowship Fellows Webinar Monday Dec. 16 5-6pm EST

Join our webinar on Monday, December 16 at 5 – 6 pm EST for an overview of the program and how to apply. AppFellows are a select group of emerging leaders from across the region that are committed to finding innovative solutions to foster a just and sustainable Appalachian economy starting June, 2014!     […]

John Egerton, Who Lent Spice to Social Justice, Dies at 78

Highlander celebrates the life of John Egerton who passed away on Nov. 21. He wrote on the Civil Rights Movement, Southern food, and the history of the South. His book “Speak Now Against the Day: The Generation before the Civil Rights Movement in the South”, told an account of Highlander’s early days. Two columns have […]