Highlander Remembers George Barrett
George E. Barrett, at a news conference this year, taking issue with Republican legislators on an autoworkers union issue. Credit:Erik Schelzig/Associated Press Here at Highlander, we’re remembering and deeply grateful for the life and work of George Barrett, who died last week at the age of 86. As an attorney, Barrett fought the case […]
Highlander in Scotland 8-28-2014
Tomorrow will be an exciting day for Pam and Elandria with the Fred Edwards Trust in Scotland–they’ll be conducting a Skilled Citizen Masterclass, and Pam will deliver the 2014 Fred Edwards Trust Lecture, “Troublemakers and Trailblazers: …A Transatlantic exchange on communities organising for social, economic and environmental justice.” To learn more about the events and […]
Police Brutality Action Kit by Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
You can check out the Kit at PoliceBrutalityactionkit Please check out and share Showing Up for Racial Justice’s Police Brutality Action Kit, specifically designed to help white people show up in the struggle for racial justice. #ferguson #blacklivesmatter #handsup #mikebrown #Showup4RJ http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/archives/2016
Letter from Helen Lewis-90th Birthday Party at Highlander Sept 19

Highlander will kick off its Homecoming this year with a celebration of Helen Lewis’s 90th birthday here on the Hill at 7:00 PM on Friday, September 19! In a beautiful letter full of great stories and pictures, Helen is asking folks to don…ate to Highlander in lieu of sending presents for this milestone birthday. Check […]
Radio Interview on AppFellows
Mountain Talk host Mimi Pickering spoke with Education Team Kierra Sims with Fellows Joshua Outsey, Mae Humiston, and Eric Dixon. Listen and download from http://www.makingconnectionsnews.org/2014/08/appalachian-transition-fellows/ and to learn more about the AppFellows Program, go to www.appfellows.org
Feed the Movement Kitchen Campaign Extended to Aug. 24
The Kitchen Campaign deadline has been extended due to a swell of interest from all of you good people. The Highlander Research & Education Center Kitchen Campaign: June 25-August 24 Feed the Movement! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/highlander-research-education-center-feed-the-movement We are raising money for much needed, new kitchen equipment used in serving thousands of meals each year to community leaders and […]
Seeds of Fire Fund 2014-Deadline Aug. 15

Seeds of Fire Fund: The Seeds of Fire Fund is created by Highlander and supported by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to support youth and young adult organizing groups and efforts in the South and Appalachia. Deadline: August 15th. The fund provides grants to groups that have been engaged with Highlander’s Seeds of Fire program and […]
Community Sing Featuring Bettie Mae Fikes at Homecoming 2014 Sept. 19-21

Our Community Sing honoring people in the movement who have passed on will feature SNCC Freedom Singer Bettie Mae Fikes. She is a native of Selma, AL and was a student leader in the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee. To learn more about Bettie, go to http://www.bettiefikes.com/index.php. Go to https://highlandercenter.org/spirit-freedom-summer-highlander-homecoming-september-19-21-2014/ to learn more and register for Homecoming.
Bob Moses joining Highlander Homecoming 2014
We’re thrilled to announce that Bob Moses will join Highlander’s Homecoming this year as guest of honor! Mr. Moses initiated SNCC’s Mississippi Voter Registration Project, and was appointed its director in 1962. He helped to lead the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) into the Mississippi Summer Project which became known as Freedom Summer. We are […]
The Spirit of Freedom Summer-Highlander Homecoming September 19-21, 2014

Click here to register for Homecoming Update: We’re thrilled to announce that Bob Moses will join Highlander’s Homecoming this year as guest of honor! Mr. Moses initiated SNCC’s Mississippi Voter Registration Project and was appointed its director in 1962. He helped to lead the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) into the Mississippi Summer […]