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Linking Liberation Struggles

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Indignación, Esperanza, Comunidad: Organización comunitaria en estos tiempos: 31 de Mayo – 3 de Junio 2018
¡Aplica ahora! El costo del taller incluye alimentación saludable y hospedaje. Si necesita una beca, complemente el formulario de aplicación. Indignación, Esperanza, Comunidad: Organización comunitaria en estos tiempos 31 de Mayo – 2 de Junio, 2018 – Taller de organización comunitaria 3 de Junio 2018 – Entrenamiento de acción directa en el Highlander Center. Reconociendo […]
Job Announcement- Administrative Assistant (Education Team)
Organization Summary The Highlander Research and Education Center is an 85-year-old popular education center that works with grassroots groups across the U.S. South and Appalachia to promote social and economic justice. We are located 25 miles northeast of Knoxville, Tennessee on a 186-acre farm and we also work in local communities throughout our region. Highlander’s […]
Job Announcement-Office Manager
Organization Summary The Highlander Research and Education Center is an 85-year-old popular education center that works with grassroots groups across the U.S. South and Appalachia to promote social and economic justice. We are located 25 miles northeast of Knoxville, Tennessee on a 186-acre farm and we also work in local communities throughout our […]
Rage, Hope, and Community: Community Organizing in these Times: May 31-June 3, 2018
Click here to register. The workshop is full as of 5-3-2018, but you can contact Susan Williams for any questions at susan@highlandercenter.org or 865-360-7042. May 31-June 2, 2018 Community Organizing Workshop June 3, 2018 Direct Action Training Come join Highlander and people from across the country for a Community Organizing Workshop. Recognizing both the powerful, creative […]
An Update from Our Co-Executive Directors!

When we first came on staff, the team told us that summer is the most intense part of the year
Homecoming Schedule
“The South’s Got Something to Say!” Highlander’s 85th Anniversary Registration September 22-24, 2017
Click here to register for Homecoming Join us as we celebrate 85 years of cutting edge work for justice with all of the people who made it happen. “The South’s Got Something to Say!” is from Andre 3000 of the group Outkast as a rallying call to the Hip-Hop World in 1995 during the Source […]
Haz Clic Aquí y regístrese para este evento Acompáñenos en celebrar 85 años de trabajo para la Justicia con toda la gente que lo ha hecho posible. “¡El Sur Tiene Algo Que Decir!” son palabras del músico Andre 3000 parte del grupo Outkast, palabras dichas para atraer la atención del mundo de Hip Hop en […]