2015-16 App Fellow Host Community and Fellow Applications now are being accepted

2015-16 HOST COMMUNITY AND FELLOW APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED! For more information, go to app fellows.org Host Community Initial Application Deadline: February 15, 2015 Fellow Application Deadline: April 10, 2015 2015-16 Application Timeline December 15, 2014 : 2015-16 Host Community Initial Applications Open / 2015-16 Fellowship Applications Open January 22, 2015: Host Community Informational Webinar January 26, 2015: Philanthropy […]

We Shall Overcome Grant Deadline Extended to Jan. 20

“We Shall Overcome” served as the theme song of the Civil Rights Movement and is now a worldwide anthem for freedom and justice. Since 1966, the Highlander Research and Education Center has administered the We Shall Overcome Fund, which is generated by royalties from the commercial use of the song “We Shall Overcome.” Upcoming Deadline […]

We Shall Overcome Grant: Deadline Jan. 15

“We Shall Overcome” served as the theme song of the Civil Rights Movement and is now a worldwide anthem for freedom and justice. Since 1966, the Highlander Research and Education Center has administered the We Shall Overcome Fund, which is generated by royalties from the commercial use of the song “We Shall Overcome.” Upcoming Deadline […]

Wacky Workshop Work Week 2015

Join us for the 7th Annual Wild & Wacky, Witty and Wonderful Workshop Work Week A time for fun, education and service to Highlander for the long haul! May 26-30, 2015 Click here to apply. Applications are close as of 4-29-15   W.7 Photo 2014 Come to the mountains of east Tennessee and spend one […]

Statement from Ferguson Action on New York

  The events of this weekend are tragic. We renew our condolences to the families and friends of those injured and killed this weekend. As those who stand with the victims of police violence, we know all too well the deep sense of loss that a community feels when they lose a loved one. They […]

Action Planning Toolkit from SURJ

“People of Color have called for White people to act. People of Color are putting their bodies on the line and it is time for White people of conscience to do the same. White people need to make a choice, right now.” White folks, make the choice to show up for racial justice–and check out […]

Year-End Message from Your Friends at Highlander

Dear Friend,   What a time the last few weeks have been! The elections. The President’s executive order on immigration. Grand jury decisions not to indict the officer who shot Mike Brown nor the officer who choked Eric Garner. The tremendous movement moments in motion. Here at Highlander, we are grieving for and standing in […]

Actions this week from SURJ-Showing Up for Racial Justice

Here are materials and information to help you engage more white people in local actions in support of Mike Brown, the people of Ferguson and the ongoing fight against systemic racism by the good people of SURJ.   Friend — Thanks to so many of you who joined us for the SURJ call  on Ferguson this […]