Highlander’s commitment to having Interns here is a political commitment. We believe that in order to support broad-based social justice movements for the long haul, we must continually involve new voices, especially those of young people. Intentional and hands-on work with interns is one way we further these political goals.
We also believe that what our movements for Progressive social change need is leaders who have had the opportunity to develop a wide variety of skills. Thus, the Highlander Education team is committed to modeling and sharing a vision of organizing that regards skills such as phone networking as highly as it does public speaking; which sees how you reach and treat people as being just as important as how many people you reach.
Our Internship Program brings interns to Highlander for six-month internships designed to help them learn the nuts and bolts of popular education and social justice work. Interns are drawn from our constituency groups, including young people, people of color, immigrants, and low-income whites. Internship openings vary from year to year; openings for paid internships will be posted when available.
We also have volunteers and students come to Highlander for practicums, independent studies, and volunteer work. Volunteers currently help with our library, our gardens, administrative support and educational programs.
For more information, contact Susan Williams, swilliams at test.highlandercenter.org
With the support of the Greensboro Justice Fund, we have launched an annual fellowship program to provide educational experiences for Southern activists. We will recruit a new class of fellows for 2012-2013.