We Bay Area progressives are being tested: wars, occupations, and armed conflicts rage unabated; immigrant people and their children, even those born in the US, are being deported in unprecedented numbers; women’s rights are under attack. We are all probably talking about one or more of these issues. Our work in the Bay Area is intrinsically related to the spirit of resistance in the South, so why not gather with others to talk together and to find out how one of our beloved national institutions, the Highlander Center, is working on some of these issues.
Current and Former Board Members of Highlander Center
-Margo Okazawa-Rey, Wilson Riles, and Diana Lee”
Invite you to
A conversion and BBQ* with Highlander Director Pam McMichael and Education Co-Coordinator Elandria Williams on July 26th at 7:00PM
To RSVP or for more info call Margo at 510-903-1800
*chicken, vegetarian, and vegan options available: please state your preference when RSVP-ing
If you can’t join us please go to https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/1417777 or mail to 1959 Highlander Way, New Market, TN 37820