Nomination for Staff Rep to Personnel Committee

Highlander Staff needs to elect two new staff Personnel Committee representatives to join the Personnel Committee and help bring staff concerns and recommendations for changes to the Highlander Personnel Policy.

Per Personnel Policies Section I. Administration of Personnel Policies

Policy: Highlander will adhere to clearly defined and established personnel policies
which are approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall
value and actively seek input from the staff.


1. Staff will review personnel policies annually. Comments will be
forwarded to the Board Personnel Committee comprised of assigned board
members and two staff representatives elected by staff to a one-year term.
The two staff representatives may be re-elected to another one-year term.
After serving two years, the Committee position will rotate to new staff.
Recommendations for changes can come from either Board or Staff and
will be reviewed by the Personnel and Human Resources Committee.

2. Upon employment, all staff members are required to read and discuss the
personnel policies with the Executive Director(s) or staff person’s
Coordinator or her/his designee and sign a written acknowledgment of
understanding of the policies. All staff members are required to read and
sign a written acknowledgment of understanding whenever the policies
are changed or updated.

3. Copies of Highlander’s personnel policies are to be available at all times
to Highlander staff. Each new staff person will be provided with a copy
and a copy will be housed in the central files.

4. Personnel policies require the approval and support of Highlander’s Board
of Directors prior to implementation or modification.

5. The Executive Director(s) has the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that
staff members adhere to all personnel policies.

6. Changes, amendments or revisions made to the personnel policies must
be dated.

For additional context, please see Personnel Committee Role and Staff Rep Policy.