The celebrations of Highlander’s 80th Anniversary year wrap up in September, and we are honored to celebrate with New York area friends on Sept 26-27th. Events include a presentation and fundraising reception with Civil Rights movement leader Dr. Dorothy Cotton, on Thursday evening, Sept. 26th, 6-8 pm, and a day long popular education training by Highlander staff on Friday, Sept. 27, 9am – 5 pm. Tickets for the evening event with Dr. Cotton is $80 and fees for the Pop Ed training are $75/organization, $50/indvidual, and $25/student and grassroots leader
All events are at Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square Park South, NY, NY 10012
For more information, call or email Andre Canty: andre@highlandercenter.org 865-360-7321
You can also visit us on facebook at Highlander Center
Click here to apply for Popular Education Training. Payments are accepted after applicants are notified of their acceptance .
– See more at: https://highlandercenter.org/events/36/80th-anniversary-in-new-york/#sthash.JYPJ8eIX.dpuf