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Highlander Onsite Gathering Evaluation – Squadship 2021 Alumni April 7-10, 2022
Thank you for completing this evaluation form! We use your responses to help us improve our preparation, facilitation, and content. // Gracias por rellenar este formulario de evaluación. Utilizamos sus respuestas para ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra preparación, facilitación y contenido.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Did you participate onsite or virtually?
email correspondence, removing barriers through travel support and rental cars, gas and meal reimbursement, virtual zoom registration, getting you the information you needed about what do do before, what to bring, COVID-19 protocols, the signal thread, the agenda, and the rules, etc.
PLUS: How were your logistical needs met before gathering? What was great about the way we handled pre-gathering logistics?
DELTA: What could we do to improve pre-gathering logistics? Were any needs left unmet?
Thursday Arrival
3:30-6:30pm Arrive, do your own thang 6:30-7:30 Dinner in the Dining Room (downstairs at Workshop Center) 8-10pm Evening Gathering: Housekeeping, Meet Community Safety and Radical Hospitality, You Got to Move Film (optional)
PLUS: What was great about the Thursday arrival programming?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Thursday Arrival programming?
Friday Morning Welcome, 11am-1pm
Check ins: what we love about being Southern; Community altar and grounding; Highlander History – living history cards; Agenda review and housekeeping
PLUS: What was great about the Friday morning welcome?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Friday Morning Welcome?
Friday Afternoon (onsite only) – Highlander Tour and The Bottom visit
PLUS: What was great about the Highlander tour and/or The Bottom visit?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Highlander tour and/or The Bottom visit?
Friday Evening Activities – Time Capsule, Who Am I poems, Auntie Spelling Bee Game, Campfire and S'mores
PLUS: What was great about the Friday Evening Activities?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Friday evening activities? (copy)
Saturday morning – Squadship Documentary Screening (Kristan)
PLUS: What was great about the Squadship Documentary ?
DELTA: What could wedo to improve the Squadship Documentary? Do you have footage you can send Kristan to use as B-roll?
Saturday morning – SCLC Archives Tour & Workshop (Ashby)
PLUS: What was great about the SCLC Archives Tour & Workshop?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the SCLC Archives Tour & Workshop?
Saturday afternoon – Eviction Blockades (Emma)
PLUS: What was great about the Eviction Blockades workshop?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Eviction Blockades workshop?
Saturday afternoon – Harm Free Zones Workshop (Kion)
PLUS: What was great about the Harm Free Zones Workshop?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Harm Free Zones Workshop?
Saturday Evening Activities – Talent-Adjacent Show + Karaoke
PLUS: What was great about the Saturday evening activities?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Saturday evening activities?
Sunday Closing Activities – Scavenger Hunt Share, Reflections, Farewell, Drumming Circle
PLUS: What was great about the Sunday closing activities?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the Sunday closing activities?
Lodging, Meals, Facilities, Accessibility, Radical Hospitality Team, Community Safety Team
PLUS: What was great about the accommodations?
DELTA: What could we do to improve the accommodations?
Overall Evaluation
What did you like best about the gathering?
What information was most useful to you?
What did you learn that will improve or inform your organizing/community work?
What changes would you suggest? How can we improve?
How would you rate the quality of facilitation and staff leadership?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate the quality and relevance of the workshop content?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
How would you rate your experience with the Highlander staff facilitators (April, Denzel, David and Je Nae)?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Overall, how would you rate your experience? / En general, ¿cómo calificaría su experiencia?
Rate 1 out of 5
Rate 2 out of 5
Rate 3 out of 5
Rate 4 out of 5
Rate 5 out of 5
Is there anything else you would like us to know? / ¿Hay algo más que quiera que sepamos?
Name / Nombre
Email Address / Dirección de correo electrónico
Enter your email if you would like us to follow up with you. // Introduzca su correo electrónico si desea que nos pongamos en contacto con usted.
Group Name / Nombre del grupo