The Center for Popular Economics and the Highlander Center invite you to the
2010 Fall Popular Economics Institute

Beyond the Economic Fright Fest: Building a sustainable and just economy
October 26-31, 2010 (through Halloween weekend)
Highlander Research And Education Center, New Market, TN
The economy is looking pretty scary these days. Think Zombie banks, climate change, the disappearing middle class and the looming double dip recession.
How did we get here and how do we get out of this mess?
The Center for Popular Economics and Highlander Center invite you to join us for a 5-1/2 day Popular Economics Institute where we will explore the roots of the current economic crisis. Don’t worry, we won’t leave you in a fright – we will also look at concrete ways that people and communities are building a more just and sustainable economy.
This intensive training in economics is for activists, educators, and anyone who wants a better understanding of economics. (Click here for more information).