Pete Seeger p2 se3 seeger at 25th ann.p2 se3 seeger at 25th ann.Pete Seeger: May 3, 1919 – January 27, 2014

Today we celebrate the life and times of the Legendary Pete Seeger. He used his talents for the greater good of us all. Folk music was Pete’s instrument to bring progressive change in America and his impact in the Arts will be felt for generations to come. Pete has been a part of the Highlander family for many decades, utilizing art and culture to illustrate the struggles of the times and giving songs for us to rally behind. With musical notes and the human language, he strived to move us all in the right direction.

Check out the New York Times column on his life and impact. We all thank you for your tireless efforts and we will honor you by continuing your work. His passing follows his wife, Toshi, who was a force in her own right. The column on her life can be found here.

highlander_library_parks_king_t588The Highlander library in Monteagle for the school’s 25th anniversary in 1957 are, from left to right, Martin Luther King Jr., Pete Seeger, Myles and Zilphia Hortons’ daughter, Charis, Rosa Parks, and Ralph Abernathy.


Pete and Toshi-From the NY Times

Pete Seeger – God’s Counting On Me, God’s Counting On You (Sloop Mix) [feat. Lorre Wyatt & friends]


Pete at Highlander’s 75th Anniversary.